English-speaking Jungian Psychoanalyst
Available internationally online and in person in Berlin, Germany
Member of IAAP / AGAP
How i work
I’m a certified Jungian psychoanalyst trained in Zurich,working online and in person from private practice in Berlin, for the last eight years. My work aims to help individuals find purpose and restore meaning in their life. I am specialized in working through loss, existential crises, trauma, and difficult life transitions. For this purpose, I work with dreams, active imagination, creativity, play, and active listening, as part of the therapeutic process. I offer counselling and Jungian analysis to individuals in English, Swedish, and German. I am available to meet with clients for online counselling as well as in person in Berlin. I offer training analysis for trainees in training programs in Analytical Psychology as well as supervision consultations.
Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung wrote that nobody as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life is without trouble. As an English-speaking Jungian psychoanalyst in Berlin, my work is to support individuals in navigating the chaos, trouble, and suffering that everyday life entails.
Through mutual exploration, it is possible to better understand some of the underlying currents that shape our lives. Psychoanalysis views human behavior and motivations as partly driven by unconscious conflicts, complexes, and trauma, some of which are based in childhood experiences. By connecting with dreams, imagination, memory, the therapeutic process can help a process of healing to take place.
Symptoms such as panic attacks, anxiety, compulsions, and psychosomatic problems are, from a psychoanalytic lens, not always something that should be simply removed through treatment. Rather, they can also be understood as signs with a certain message; signs which call for a change in how to live one's life.
I offer Jungian Psychoanalysis, Training analysis and Counseling in English, German and Swedish at Mittelweg 50 in Neukölln, Berlin, Germany. I am licensed as Heilpraktiker for psychotherapy in Germany. I don't work with public insurances. I am available to meet with clients internationally independent of location through the secure platform, It's Complicated.
Jungian Psychoanalyst in private practice, Berlin
2013 - Today
Heilpraktiker for Psychotherapy, Berlin
Diploma in Analytical Psychology from the ISAP, Zürich Switzerland
2011 - 2016
Analyst & Counsellor at IMD, MBA Program Lausanne, Switzerland
Clinical internships
Schlosspark Klinik Charlottenburg, Berlin, William Slater Outpatient Clinic, Cape Town
2012 - 2015
Jungian Psychology
The Jungian approach to psychoanalysis is a creative one in which the search for meaning and purpose is central. While many modern psychologies merely see psychological suffering and its related symptoms as something best cured with short-term therapy and/or anti-depressive medication, the Jungian approach views problems also a possibility for personal renewal and a positive change in life through the deepening of the life experience.
In Jungian psychology, the emphasis is put on empathy and the inter-subjective relationship between the patient and therapist. Jungian psychoanalysis is an explorative and collaborative process where the therapist and client together seek to identify the underlying causes of suffering and personal conflicts. It seeks the root cause and meaning behind the symptoms in order to establish a new path in life that enables development and healing.
A Jungian analysis often involves meeting one to two 50-minute hours per week. This will be adjusted to your current life situation. I meet with patients online or in Berlin.
I offer training analysis for individuals in training programs in Analytical Psychology as well as supervision for psychotherapists and counsellors in Berlin interested in the Jungian approach. My focus is on a relational way of working with one-to-one adult clients in long-term psychotherapy. I integrate principles from Jungian analysis, dreamwork, and psychoanalysis. I draw on experiences of working in a variety of settings with a diverse range of clients and complexity of psychological needs.
Lecturing & Articles
I regularly lecture and teach at Jungian and psychoanalytic institutes across Europe. I offer lectures and introductory classes for both laymen and clinicians. Some of the topics are:
C.G Jung & Christianity
The fundamentals of Jungian psychology
Jungian psychotherapy in the clinical setting
Jungian dreamwork ​
Below are links to some of my published podcasts, articles, and books.
C.G Jung: Face to Face with Christianity - Conversations on dreaming the myth onwards (Forthcoming book)

A book built on conversations from the podcast I hosted is published by Chiron Publications in August 2024. It gives an introduction to Jung's wrestle with Christianity and why this is important today. Pre-order here.
The Therapeutic Value of Dreams
Interviewed in Onieric Space and published by O32C about the therapeutic value of dreams.
Podcast: Psychology & The Cross
In the podcast Psychology & The Cross, I explore the fundamentals of Jungian psychoanalysis and the Christianity of C.G Jung through conversations with scholars in the field of Analytical Psychology.
Brandpsycho - Four Essays on de:branding
Collection of essays published by The Zurich Lab and Black Books. Available through Amazon as Paperback and for Kindle.